Dear Self
- October 16, 2018
- mderylak
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It won’t always be this hard. You won’t always be this broke. You won’t always be this tired. You have so much time.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It’s like I self-sabotage anytime anything good comes around. I ruin everything.”
They say, “enjoy it while you’re young,” but honestly, it’s hard to enjoy anything when you’re young.
Being 19 has probably been the hardest age for me. While trying to maintain going to school, finding a job I enjoy, working through obstacles in my relationship, making time for my passions, paying my bills, and attempting to take care of myself in the process, it’s an emotional roller coaster. I am a woman now. Being at home with my family isn’t even the same. Friends I thought would be with me for life, have gone their separate ways. I know where I want to be, and I’m doing everything I can to make sure I get there. But every time I turn around, something’s knocking me down.
We tend to dwell on all of the things that are going wrong, instead of thinking of all of the things going right. I think it’s a human thing. As I sit here talking to you, I think to myself, “are things really that bad?” Sure, some of my relationships with certain people, who mean so much to me, are rocky. Sure, I’m (so) financially unstable. But then I think to myself, are those my biggest problems?
Think outside the box.
No matter how bad my relationship with my dad gets, he is still here. Day by day, he grows older and weaker. His bones are not as strong as they once were. All of the hairs on his head have turned 50 shades of grey. He is tired.
Even though I may not have a ton of money, that does not define my worth. All of the money in the world could not buy the happiness I long for. I offer, and matter, more to this world than any dollar bill ever could.
Think about how serious you make your problems out to be, and how much you let it affect your happiness.
Somebody lost their mother today.
Somebody lost their child today.
Somebody lost the only home they’ve ever known today.
All of the tears, long days, and sleepless nights will pay off. I will find that dream job. I will get that degree. I will find abundant and everlasting happiness. All you have to do, is take one day at a time.
Some people create their own storms, then get mad when it rains.
This Too, Shall Pass.
When things are bad, remember: It won’t always be this way. Take one day at a time.
When things are good, remember: It won’t always be this way. Enjoy every great moment.